<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Project Details

Title Love Your Planet Mobile App
Period 2023 APR - 2023 MAY
Github Link Unavailable due to IP Agreement
Project Link Unavailable due to IP Agreement
Project Info BCIT Industry Sponsored Student Project (ISSP) with Love Your Planet Foundation
Description Love Your Planet is an easy-to-use mobile social media application for sustainability.
As a long-term support from BCIT ISSP, this project has been going on since April 2020 and our team was involved in the 9th iteration.
During the iteration, our team focused on fixing bugs related to sign-in and sign-up process, rebuilding bill tracker functionalities, and modifying UI to meet Apple standards for release on App Store in the future.
Stack MongoDB / Express.js / React.js / Node.js / Firebase
My Contributions - Rebuilt the functionalities of Bill Tracker

Sign-up Feature

Login Screen

Login Screen

Sign-up Screen

Sign-up Screen

Users are able to sign up using their name, email, and password

Users are able to sign up using their name, email, and password

Verification mail will be sent to users’ email address

Verification mail will be sent to users’ email address

Email will be verified on click the link

Email will be verified on click the link


Login Screen

Login Screen

Users will be redirected to Home Screen after login

Users will be redirected to Home Screen after login

Profile Feature

Profile Screen

Profile Screen

Users are able to edit their profile in Edit Profile Screen

Users are able to edit their profile in Edit Profile Screen

Group Feature